Your church has a role to play in global missions. Craft a vision and strategy to play it well.
Envision thriving missions
God has given people, experiences, and resources to your church to impact the nations in a particular way. Does your current missions strategy reflect the call and the gifts God has given you?
Whether you’re building a program from the ground up or you’ve been involved in cross-cultural work for decades, we can help you evaluate your current strategies, develop plans and take action that will strengthen your global impact.
Hear what your peers have gained
Customized to your church
Prior to an onsite with you, we interview missions leaders from your church to gain insight about your current missions strategies and engagement. With this in hand, we tailor an approach that serves your unique goals to help you go from where you are to where you want to be.
Expect personalized content, interactive discussions, and practical tools to level up your missions endeavors.
Intentional steps to your next level
Evaluate the effectiveness of your current missions strategy and inventory your church’s resources to use them more effectively.
Learn how to send and sustain cross-cultural workers, develop processes for partnering with nationals, and engage with internationals in your community.
Ongoing coaching after our onsite visit helps you clarify and take your next steps.
Vision and Strategy
Foundational for all other modules, in this module you will invest in refining, defining, and developing your cross-cultural vision and strategy. The Church has 3,000 times the finances and 9,000 times the personnel needed to complete the Great Commission. Whether your missions program is longstanding, getting started, or in between, you will explore what God has uniquely positioned your church to do, and craft actionable plans which align with that vision.
Caring for Global Workers
7 of 10 global workers who return "home" prematurely leave for preventable reasons. In this module, you will engineer missionary care structures and strategies to promote flourishing workers and prevent premature departures. Architect proactive, intentional care teams that help sustain your people over the long haul.
Short-Term Missions
Short-term missions draw 2 million participants each year from the US alone, and 84% of longterm missionaries served on a short-term trip. These trips can range from deeply formative to discouragingly fruitless. Through this module, you will engineer and construct effective short-term trips that align with your strategy, and craft a plan to steward the "before, during, and after.
Engaging Internationals
Over 40% of the world's 220 Heads of State once studied in the US, yet 80% of international students, refugees, and other immigrants will never set foot in an American home. Many churches are eager to change the story, but the biggest challenge is often knowing where to begin. In “Engaging Internationals” modules, you will learn fresh ways to mobilize and inspire your people to engage the internationals God has brought to your backyards. Through looking at God’s heart for the foreigner and the stranger among us, your congregation will discover avenues to grow in concern for these populations and actionable ways to form lasting and meaningful gospel friendships.
Sending Church
We believe the local church plays a central role in global missions and sending and sustaining cross-cultural workers among the nations. In “Sending Church” modules, rediscover God’s heart for the nations and His desire to work through local churches to proclaim the gospel around the world. Get equipped to identify, encourage, and equip cross-cultural workers and to partner effectively with sending agencies.
In Envision Missions consulting, a team of Train International’s facilitators comes to your church for an on-site connection with your leaders. Details about typical arrangements can be found in the preliminary questionnaire form. Train International asks the church to arrange for or cover the cost for facilitator's travel and lodging and lunch on Saturday.
If you have questions please contact us at 417.625.1400 or admin@traininternational.org
Church Size: 500 or fewer people
Church size: 500–999 people
Church size: 1000—1999 people
Church size: 2000 or more people
Jesus entrusted the Great Commission to the church, and it is the responsibility and invitation to all God’s sons and daughters to play a part. TRAIN's Envision church missions consulting help your church clarify and align your missions vision, evaluate current strategies, and create actionable plans for global impact and congregational engagement. Mirroring God’s global heart and mission is vital to the lifeblood of churches to engage effectively in fulfilling our role to disciple the nations and see Jesus lifted high across the globe.
Envision church missions consulting is designed for churches of all sizes, from 50 people to 15,000. Whether you are just starting or have been involved for decades, if you are a church that desires to assess and enhance your global missions engagement and your practices for caring well for your global workers, Envision is for you!
Churches should participate to get fresh insight and inspiration into what God is doing globally in our times, to develop missions vision and strategies tailored to your context, gain practical tools, and receive experienced guidance to help you maximize your global missions impact and better support for cross-cultural workers.
The best time to start is when your church is ready to evaluate its current missions strategy and is seeking to build or revitalize your global impact, better engage your whole congregation, and strengthen care practices for those you send and support.
We typically plan for a 2-3 hour Friday evening session and 8am-4pm or 9am-4pm Saturday sessions, though Friday evening is optional. Consultation sessions include tailored discussions, interactive learning, and strategy development. We engage key topics decided together with your leaders beforehand, ask key questions, facilitate discussions toward decisions, noting takeaways and capturing follow-up work. As we move through the topics, we will help you synthesize your core takeaways and discern your priorities. Our goal is to empower you to capture 3-5 priorities and identify 3-5 action steps moving forward, noting your coaching needs for the 6 months of follow-up coaching available to you.
For Envision Missions consulting, the hosting church arranges for the facilitator's travel, lodging, and one lunch for the full participating group, ensuring smooth onsite logistics during the consulting process.
If scheduling conflicts arise, your registration can be transferred to a later date without penalty. If needing to cancel entirely once the agreement has been entered into, a 50% deposit will be retained and the remainder refunded to your church.
The onsite delivery of the module is one weekend. The pre-work to design and configure the on-site to best serve your needs is 1-3 zoom conversations. After the onsite, we recommend you then spend at least 3-6 months implementing what you learned before progressing to the next module.
Yes! If you want to coordinate multiple church missions teams engaging, please contact us at admin@traininternational.org.
Begin your registration process at https://www.traininternational.org/access-church-consulting-registration to identify 3 workable dates your church would like to host the onsite consult. This gives our consulting team context for your hopeful outcomes and your timeline, enabling us to schedule a consult call to determine a first step.
No, we are an independent and unaffiliated training organization.
We have the privilege of serving a great variety of agencies, churches, and denominations.
Have a question that wasn’t answered here? Please contact our Administrative Assistant at 417.625.1400 or admin@traininternational.org
What people are saying about Envision
“Envision Missions coaching has gone beyond my expectations! So much information and freedom to adjust and fit our personal needs where we are as a church. With the trainers having been on the field themselves, serving on teams coaching global workers, and working in church contexts, it felt like they could speak so directly with wisdom for where we find ourselves and where we want to go! Great job! A+!” ~Participant, Plainfield Christian Church
“You could say our church had become stuck in our ways for some time. Thank you—your Envisions Missions coaching helped breathe new life into our whole leadership and church.” ~Participant, Highland Park Christian Church
“Train’s Envision Missions coaching was full of great material and excellent presentation. Even better than expected! You did a really good job of generating enthusiasm for missions for our leadership and our whole church! We’ll be discussing and unpacking some of the strategic building blocks you gave us.” ~Participant, Boulevard Christian Church