Unpack and Process at an Abide Debriefing in Savannah, Georgia
(No longer accepting registrations)
February 24-28, 2025
(no longer accepting registrations)
611 W Jones St
Savannah, GA 31401
We are thrilled to be back in Savannah, GA working with our partners at Compassion Christian Church to offer you this time of debriefing.
Come spend a week processing and unpacking your cross-cultural experiences in the beautiful, historic downtown of Savannah, GA.
Whether you are on home assignment, transitioning between fields, returning to the US, or otherwise find yourself desiring time and space to debrief, this time is for you.
This intentional time to reflect and debrief can bring refreshment, perspective, and renewal. We hope you’ll join us at this Abide.
What you can expect:
Process your field experiences through intentional, unhurried time to engage, reflect, and unpack
Check in with your soul and connect with the Lord through spiritual renewal
Have fun and connect with other global workers with shared experiences
Ages 5-17
Ages 0-4
Venue & Schedule:
Our meeting site is in downtown Savannah, walking distance from housing accommodations, 5 minutes from famous Forsyth Park and River Street, and 30 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean.
We will meet 9:00am – 4:30pm Monday - Thursday, and 9:00am – 12:00pm Friday.
TRAIN provides light breakfast items, snacks and refreshments, coffee, tea, and lunches for each full day. Participants are responsible for securing housing and transportation to and from the debriefing.
Once registered, you will receive confirmation, additional information, and housing recommendations by email.
If you have questions please contact us at 417.625.1400 or admin@traininternational.org.
Debriefing is the deliberate process of unpacking and processing your past field experiences with a facilitator for the purpose of understanding your story in a holistic and life-giving way so that you can transition well into whatever is next. Debriefing is not a substitute for counseling, clinical care, spiritual direction, or coaching, but may serve as an entry point into these avenues for growth and/or healing.
Debriefing is for you if you are a cross-cultural worker who has served abroad for at least one year. We recommend debriefing after your first term, your final term, and after any terms marked by significant transitions or changes.
We encourage those seeking debriefing to give themselves at least one month in the US prior to coming to debrief. This provides enough time to begin to get a sense of how it feels to be in the US for a season and how transitions in relationships may impact you. Beyond that, although we have had people come to debrief three, five, and even twenty years after their return and receive immense benefit, we do encourage participants to debrief sooner rather than later.
Upon registration, you will receive a list of nearby housing opportunities through AirBnBs and hotels.
Yes, children are welcome, and we have a debriefing experience designed exactly for them.
If you cancel your registration more than 30 days from the start of this event, 90% of your total registration will be refunded, and the 10% deposit will be retained to cover administrative costs. If you cancel within 30 days of the event, 50% of your total registration will be refunded.
If for some reason TRAIN International cancels or changes the event in such a way that you are no longer able to attend, and you are unable to transfer to a different date, your entire registration (including your 10% deposit) will be refunded.
For this debriefing, the Savannah airport (SAV) is the nearest and best airport to fly into.
We are an independent and unaffiliated training organization.
We have the privilege of serving a great variety of agencies, churches, and denominations.